15 December 2011

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.6] - FATE

I've been thinking a lot about fate lately, and what it means when the Universe slaps you with something completely unexpected. 

I used to be a huge resister. If things didn't go my way I'd get angry and stubborn. Essentially, I'd shut the door on whatever new opportunity the Universe was trying to introduce me to. Eventually I began to wonder about all the things I might have been missing because of my resistance.

The past few months of my life have been nothing but unexpected turns and occurrences. I know I would have lost my mind from it all if I retained my resistant attitude. To survive the turmoil I was experiencing, I had to adjust my outlook. I'm much calmer, more accepting, aware, and pensive now.
 I started to ask myself,
"What is the Universe trying to tell me right now?"

I came across a quote by Joseph Campbell that reassured me. A lot. It's been stuck with me ever since I first read it a few months ago.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

Wise men know resistance is unproductive. Wise men know greater things are waiting for us in hidden, unexpected places.

I may not know exactly what the Universe is trying to communicate to me when things don't go my way, but I take it as an opportunity to reflect on my life and choices. If my plans fall through, I take it as an indicator that maybe, just maybe, that wasn't the best idea for me.

But when something blissfully beautiful, honest, and passionate introduces itself unexpectedly,
I run with it. I treasure it. I honor and respect it. 

13 December 2011


My life has been very laidback lately. Lets face it, I don't have many obligations right now. No boyfriend, no school, and I just started a job last week. (It took me that long to get a job, not because of laziness, but because of health inspector/contractor issues the owner was having. We're solid now.)

Here's what I mean by laidback:
  • I watched 4 seasons of a TV show in one week. Yeah. Mega-binge.
  • Last time I did laundry, it took me 4 days to hang and fold my clothes.
  • This past weekend, I made a pillow-bed and watched somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 movies.
  • I've had a hint of a cold and consequently my asana practice has waned. Why? Because I can't breathe. I wake up at 3 in the morning coughing. So, I decided to work on my daily awareness and reactions, instead of postural progression. I'll jump back into the asanas when I'm ready; I always do.
I think you get the idea. I've been very carefree. But alas, the winter season has me in a frenzy. I'm starting to feel a form of pressure. I think I might still be adjusting to the way of life here. It's a lot colder, darker, and slower. I'm okay with all of those things, but after being in Florida for 3 years the change has affected me. For instance, I forgot how to feed myself. Shame on me! since I'm so nutrition concious. But really, I didn't know where to shop! I've figured it out now but there were a couple of weeks where I felt like immense crap.

Anyway, I always get a little anxious around this time of year. It's probably because I always want to start the new year with a BANG. I'm working on that. I have a few weeks left in 2011 to be as carefree as I want. I'll be taking classes again in January. And planning a move. And working. And transferring colleges. And [hopefully] starting a yoga certification program. Yes, big things are in store.

This is the last hurrah of laziness. 

29 November 2011

Gratitude Post

This post is inspired by Thanksgiving [I'm a little late...] and my friend, Alisa. She's a total badass, dealing with more than I can imagine. We're very similar and I can always learn a lot from her. She posted on GRATITUDE last week, challenging her friends at the end to make their own gratitude list.

So I'm a little late with my list, but that's because last week was crazy! I spent time with friends visiting from out of town, I spent Thanksgiving with my dad, and I've been juggling getting ready for the spring semester and starting a new job. Yikes. But here is my gratitude list!

FAMILY: I'm incredibly blessed to have such an understanding and supportive family in Idaho. My oldest brother and dad have pulled me through more muck than I like to think about it. They know me; they know I mean well. I guess that's why they're there for me when I'm being a putz. Thanks!

FRIENDS: Moving back to Idaho was scary. I didn't know what to expect. Most of my old friends have moved on and that's good! Lucky for me, I still have the most badass, down to earth girls to spend my time with. We talk, we yoga, we meditate, we look at crystals, we play the didjeridu, we drink coffee and tea and they are always there for me! Not to mention my other friends that are out of town. I love them, too :)

BOOKS: I'll admit I haven't been reading too much. I'm working through 4 books, none of which are too heavy but very enthralling. Books are something I'll always be grateful for. When my parents were getting divorced, books kept me sane. They still do. I love to read.

EARTHLY BEAUTY: I'm talking landscapes, sunsets, birds, the sky and clouds. I love driving in Idaho. It's bare. Nothing compared to the concrete and tar jungle of Orlando. Here, the sky is wide open, the fields lead to the sky, and the rivers flow through the fields. I love the colors, the sound of the wind over rocks and in the grass. I don't even care that it's getting colder, I just want to be outside, all the time!

I could list more things, but these things are what drive me right now. They might be obvious things but expressing gratitude, especially during stressful times, makes everything much more bearable. There is always something to be grateful for. I mean, we're alive :)

18 November 2011

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.5]

This week's "Thoughtful Thursday" is being brought to you on a Friday. Why? Because I temporarily lost my mind yesterday. It was nothing serious; I was just extremely flustered and set back, and stressed out, and enduring some physical discomfort. But! I'm happy to say that this morning my achey pains have subsided, I'm chilled out, and have a weekend to look forward to!

"Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are."
-Chinese Proverb

Relaaaax. I need to tell myself that this week. With college deadlines hanging over my head, opening a new coffee shop, and the holidays quickly approaching I definitely need to snub the tensed little voice in the back of my head. I should listen to the calm, steady, soothing beating of my heart. That seems to be the pattern in my life: stressed/tensed thoughts but a warm, calm, relaxed heart.

It's so easy to get caught up in the constant chatter of the inner monkey-mind. But how often do we take a moment to listen to the rhythm of the heart? Probably not that often. It's silly, because we can't live without the function of the heart, and yet we disregard its role, and potential, in life so often.

I've been trying to cultivate my sense of compassion, joy, and wonder in an effort to alter my perception of and effect on the world. And guess what... It's working! I'm meeting new people who openly tell me I'm having a positive effect in their life. And I think, "Yes! Good! Because life is beautiful and should be happy. Life is so good and all it takes is taking a step back to slow down a little bit and listen to your own truth." I believe that inner truth comes from the heart; not the head or thoughts.

A relaxed disposition is far more beneficial, more fun, more illuminating than a dull, tense one. You and the people in your life will take note if there is even the slightest shift.

So, even though this week is going to be mad, you can catch me with my feet propped up, a book in hand, and enjoying a cup of hot tea.

May you be happy :)

16 November 2011

my latest gripe

Congress has pissed me the hell off. I know, I know, Congress has a lot of problems. But this particular one struck a chord with me today. A deep, primal chord.

Click here and become outraged.

I read about 4 different articles this morning, all on the topic of how tomato paste on frozen pizza is counted as a serving of vegetables in public schools.


Okay... first of all, tomatoes are FRUITS. That's silly, considering the gravity of this proposal, but still a little, uhm, ignorant. Second of all, you need at least a half cup serving of anything for it to count as a serving! [the link above addresses this] Not 2 tablespoons of processed paste, ridden with sugar additives and sodium.  Really, how pathetic is that?! Third of all, I thought the goal was to make school lunches HEALTHIER, not bring them to a screeching halt!

We all know I'm a health nut. Nutrition is vital to a happy, healthy life. We wouldn't survive without food; eat REAL, WHOLESOME FOOD!! As adults, we know this. We've read enough, we've eaten enough junk to make us feel like shit, we've seen what can happen when diets lack essential nutrients. Kids have a different perspective entirely. They are vulnerable and 100% subject to the effects of negligence. IT'S NOT FAIR! It's cruel to dupe kids into believing that frozen, cheese pizza is healthy for them. What sort of adults is that mindset going to breed? I'm terrified.

Since I don't have kids of my own, I'm very protective over my nephews and niece. I told my nephews today how incredibly lucky they are to have a mother that makes them meals, from scratch, every single day. They get to snack on dehydrated apples and homemade fruit roll ups and apple sauce. Being home schooled, they're not forced to eat the processed, frozen, high sugar, high sodium foods that are pushed on public school kids.

This issue really, truly makes me very sad. Children are the light and future of this world. To see their needs and rights being bought out by Congress and Big Money lobbyists is cruel, terrifying, and rage inducing.

12 November 2011

A Slacker's Saturday

I worked really hard this week. But now, oh Saturday, you've arrived and I plan on taking full advantage of my [most likely] last Saturday before I start working. The thing is, it's nasty outside! The trees are howling in the wind, crumpling leaves billow up into the air, and I'm pretty sure it's like 20 degrees F outside. Yeah. Cold.

And that is why this slacker is thankful for a few cozy comforts this morning:
1: Tazo's Zen Green Tea. I not only love this tea because of the marvelous implication of the name, I love it for its hints of lemon and mint. This has been a comfort tea of mine for some time now. NOTHING beats it in the morning when I want something warm, but light, flavorful but not too sweet or overbearing. ZEN. It's magical.
2: Over-the-knee knitted socks. I think I would die this winter without these puppies. I own various pairs of thigh-high socks in various colors and textures and they all feel awesome underneath jeans in the cold. I recommend them. Plus they're cozy to lounge around in. Super cute.
3: This song. Another comfort of mine for years, but it holds extra weight this weekend. I've loved the Gorillaz forever. Really. Forever. So yesterday when someone told me that they heard this Gorillaz song and it reminded them of me, it made my day. I'm a happy clam because of it. I mean, how could you not be happy if someone says a song called "Feel Good Inc" reminds them of you? That's pretty much my ultimate goal in life, to spread goodness and joy. It's awesome to hear I'm reaching that!
4: Labradorite. According to this website, Labradorite encourages prophetic dreams and guidance. It's true. Last night I slept with Labradorite by my head and had a dream I was asking my sister-in-law how much banana bread she had left in the freezer, because I really, really wanted to eat some. This morning when I woke up, she had pulled out a loaf! The Labradorite showed me breakfast in my dream!! I'm sorry, I don't mean to make light of the qualities of Labradorite; I really do appreciate its healing powers and beauty. But I'm a goofball and thought that bread dream was funny. And I love my new Labradorite slab. It sort of has the shape of mountains and I really like that. It called to me. [I went to a store with my friend yesterday, and we spent an hour looking at crystals, stones, jewelry, tapestries, and a bunch of other hippie stuff. I love it. It's nice to have a friend that's into that stuff! I was starting to think I was all alone.]
5: Citrine: The Stone of Manifestation. It converts negative energy into positive energy. It helps attract and keep money. It aids in meditation and connecting with the higher Self. It encourages happiness, laughter, and good sleep. Read more about it here. Overall, citrine is a valuable crystal to have. Again, it called to me. Once I picked up the little chunk that was eyeing me, I knew we'd never be apart. I placed it in my palm and immediately felt a light calm come over me. I'm so glad I picked up the healing stones. I think it was time. The Universe has been screaming at me a lot lately, actually, and I'm trying really hard to listen well.

And that's what I'll be doing today. I may get some coffee from the shop a little later with a friend. But for the most part I'll be hanging out with music, warm socks, and crystals.

How do you like to spend lazy Saturdays?

10 November 2011

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.4]

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Letting go of the past. It's essential to enjoy the present. I know from [too much experience] that constantly worrying about the past, or how things "could have been", takes away from the beauty of the moment. Certainly it's important to acknowledge our mistakes, habits that don't serve us, so we can move away from them, but for the most part the past should stay in the past.

But this also has to do with giving yourself enough credit. It's sad that an accomplishment can get thrown under the bus because some other small part of the day didn't go exactly as planned. Oh well. You're still alive; you didn't screw up so badly as to ruin that. Tomorrow always has the potential to be greater than the day before. What Emerson is reminding of us here is that crap happens, and it's important not to let it sting you; tomorrow holds the possibility of great moments. And they should be celebrated. That's what fuels the flame for the next day. You wake up after a less than ideal day and say "Yesterday was okay, but today is going to KICK ASS! Why? Because I'm alive and life is worth a celebration every single day! So now I'm going to celebrate it with an awesome Chai tea and a book!" Talk about having a high spirit! Passion, enthusiasm, excitement can be applied to little things and they pump out tons, and tons of Seratonin.

At least that's what I try to do-- be excited over the little things. Perfectly brewed tea, a touching story, the perfect music for the moment, the wind in my hair, they joy I experience when I have fulfilling conversations with my friends... those things make my days, and my spirit, absurdly happy.

04 November 2011

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.3]

It's still Thursday in Idaho for a couple more hours; I can make it!

"While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, 
we can control what happens inside us." 
-Benjamin Franklin

Ah, Mr. Franklin, how wise you are. As with other negative habits in my life, I've been working on not letting little things get to me, and especially, not taking things personally. Individuals are completely in control of their reactions. Simple. If someone says something that leads to anger, it only got there because people make the connections they want to make. They see, feel, hear what they want to. I've been guilty of this. I think everyone has. But it's just a habit, like any other, that can be broken. 

Now, whenever I find myself in an undesirable situation, I think about all the other areas in my life that are spectacular. I get to practice yoga and drink tea in the morning, I have an amazing family, fun friends, good food to eat, a comfortable bed (usually with a kitty or two curled up), and it makes everything else bearable. I mean, that horrendous situation won't last forever; I have something better to get back to. I like to call it the "Bright Side" syndrome. But it works for me. It makes the muck of society so much better. And after all, everyone is fighting their own battle. Everyone is doing what they can.

03 November 2011

Help I'm Alive

come take my pulse
the pace is on a runaway train

I've been listening to this song, and the album as a whole, practically on repeat the past couple of days.
It fits my mood. My mind. My heart...

keeps beating like a hammer.

02 November 2011

One Thousand!

Woo-hoo! I'm happy to say my page views have passed the 1,000 mark. What a surprise for a flighty blogger such as me!

Thanks to my followers and to anyone else who checks up on me ;)


The Snake River Canyon
A few weekends ago I went to visit my father in Southern Idaho. He lives right by the impressively massive Snake River Canyon. For the past 6 years, since my dad has lived there, I can remember being sucked into that place like a magnet. The beauty of the canyon captivates me. I'll never forget the first time I ever saw the canyon; I was in a bit of a panic. We were crossing the Hansen Bridge, I was driving on my learner's permit, ahead of me, coming in the opposite direction, were two large semis, and behind me was another. I have this bad habit of imagining, very vividly, worst case scenarios while driving. So that set in and I broke into a cold sweat. My dad just kept telling me to stay calm. "The bridge isn't that long, you'll be fine!" he kept saying. Ah, I credit my dad for my cool-head in situations.

So, this canyon instills a sense of freedom and beauty in me. It's like instantly being transported to the 1700s, before the dams were built, before the houses, before white man. There was nothing in Idaho's country except nature and the Native tribes. In my simple, nature-loving mind that's perfection. "To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough."

My dad took me to see The Niagara of the West; Shoshone Falls. It was my first time there, and I was beyond myself with excitement. Waterfalls don't exist in Florida. It's horrible!
Meditative Rock
I spotted the massive, inviting rock in the above photo while my father and I were strolling around. And I thought to myself, "I could sit there all day long, reading a book or weaving a basket." Then the thought never left my head. If it weren't illegal, you'd better believe I would've crawled my ass up there to enjoy the sight and sun! My dad and I walked as far as we could, we watched little birds fly by the steep rock walls and land gracefully on little pinnacles. We talked about the sounds the thundering water makes. He showed me Juniper trees (new favorite) and we even participated in a little green cleaning by picking up plastic sacks and beer cans. By the way, never let me catch you litter. It will instantly ignite a very pissed off fire!

Not many people understand why I love Idaho so much. Thankfully, my dad does. All I have to say is, "I love rocks" and he's on the same page with me. Yeah. We're rock people. But in all seriousness, the shapes the rocks create, the vegetation that grows between the crevices, the hills, the animals, the trees... I love it all. Yes, even the wind. Idaho is painted in rich, nutty brown tones and vibrant greens; it's bathed in gold and sage. Nothing can replace Idaho's place in my heart.

28 October 2011

Meet Leo

I love this cat. He's adorable! Just look at that fur! I call him feral cat because he'll perch himself in the tree and harass squirrels. It's one of the most hilarious things I've seen.

But man, is this cat sweet. His fur is so incredibly soft, and he'll let you cuddle him. Sometimes when I'm giving him pets he nudges my nose with his. If I'm doing a seated meditation he'll rub his body against my open, resting palm. And the other night I was in dolphin pose and he thought it would be fun to "go under the bridge" and then he got annoyed when I came out of the pose. I've never seen a cat enjoy yoga as much as he does.

He's constantly doing unbearably cute things. Like when he falls asleep under the desk in my room.

27 October 2011

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.2]

"I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself,
than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
-Henry David Thoreau

Well here's something I can relate to! I'm not sure where my socialization got screwed up, but it did and still is. I have a hard time with groups. I'd much rather keep gatherings small and intimate. For nearly as long as I can remember groups of people make me a little anxious and uncomfortable. Maybe I feel too much pressure to "contribute" and say the right things at all the right times. And if I don't feel that way, I start to feel like the walls are closing in... But the fact is that I would much rather keep my space and spend time outside, with or without people. And sitting on a pumpkin all to myself sounds much like how I'd like all of my social experiences to unfold.  Plus, I love the autumn season and I love pumpkins. But don't worry, I'm not completely anti-social. I'm really working on re-socializing myself, I promise!

20 October 2011

bargain of the day


I snagged this up on sale for $10 today. Over 500 pages of craft inspiration and tutorials. I. am. so. excited!!!

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.1]

I love quotes; they're so inspiring to me. I've tried integrating quotes into my yoga blog, but, as usual, I tried to tackle too many all at once. That just lead to confusion and... what was I talking about? Now I've decided to take a slow approach and muse on a single quotation every week.
Thus, the birth of Thoughtful Thursday. I'll share where I found my inspiring tidbit, why it's inspiring to me, and how I'll integrate its message into my life.
And today's quote is:

"Who, being loved, is poor?"
-Oscar Wilde

Simply put: when you have love, you have everything! It's easy to be distracted by the demands of life, but that doesn't mean we can't find comfort in the love our friends and family offer us. Love is a very powerful thing. It's important to never lose sight of that. I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by my family at this time, and I'm absolutely relishing the love and fun times we're able to share! In fact, we're on our way to the library right now. That's a double dose of love!

19 October 2011

the simple things make you feel alive

I'm not used to completing so many of my tasks quickly [see here for my change of habits], so I have lots of time to relax and do what makes me happy. Here are some simple pleasures I'm enjoying today:

*delicious orange spice tea
*a hot bath infused with tea tree and lavender oil [my skin is so soft!]
*the leaves rustling in the wind
*gallopinto with eggs and avocado for breakfast
*reading a good book next to the window
*a bike ride around the river with my brother
*sleepy kitties

18 October 2011

cold toes

Today is beautiful. The sun is warm and the air is fresh and crisp.

My good friend was on vacation for a little while and today we met at the coffeehouse I used to work at. She brought me back some really pretty sea shells and coral that I might try to work into a painting or a picture frame, or something. They're so cute that I have to create something pretty with them! I also saw my old boss today, and that was nice. She's such a nice lady and I'm glad her coffeehouse is still successful. I think they have the biggest assortment of teas in the city and I'm very, very grateful for that.

So, readjusting is taking some time. I'm mostly settled into my new room, I've been spending a lot of time with my family, and I hang out with my friend whenever our schedules match up. But it is really nice to be in a place where I feel comfortable. The air is different here; it's not dirty or stinky, it feels fresh and clean against my skin. I know this transition is probably going to last for a while, but the beautiful season helps cushion it. It was great to sip a warm drink and catch up with my friend while feeling the cool air. It's so reassuring to me. Although I don't know what's going to happen next, or even where I'll be in a few months, it's nice to know that right now I can relax and enjoy my time, with no pressure to do anything.

17 October 2011

Coconut oil


Ayurvedic medicine loves coconut oil. It's one of the most important oils in this ancient science (sesame oil might take first place, though). Coconut oil is known to speed up skin regeneration after wounds and helps prevent sagging skin and wrinkles. Here is some of the science behind it. It's really very interesting to see how our body uses the lauric acid found in coconut oil to prevent diseases.

It's also excellent for hair, making it shiny and adding necessary proteins. It even helps prevent hair loss! I have yet to try it on my hair (treatment post coming soon) but I did trade in my sesame oil for coconut oil as a skin moisturizer for a few weeks. I must admit, I wasn't thrilled with the direct application on my skin. It felt wonderfully silky going on my face, but I noticed that my complexion was a bit red and it didn't help my blemishes at all. I know of people that adore coconut oil for their skin, but sesame oil works better for me. I think it's because my dosha is primarily Vata, and sesame oil is the most calming to that airy element (to find your dosha, take the quiz). Coconut oil is known to help balance Vata and Pitta doshas, but I think for me it's best to stick to ingesting it instead of direct application.

What have your experiences with coconut oil been like? Do you prefer a direct application or ingesting it?

16 October 2011


 Last week my family and I picked a bunch of plums from the tree outside. Today Laci and I made plum jelly. I think we cut something like 230 plums today and used half for jelly making and froze the other half to use in smoothies over the winter. We're pretty new at canning and making our own treats, but it's so much fun and so rewarding. 
Drizzly goodness
Isn't that color gorgeous? I can't wait to try my hand at more homemade goodies!

Fall(ing) Apples

On Friday my sister-in-law and I took her kids to a family owned apple orchard just outside of town. I've never been to an orchard before, let alone had the opportunity to wander between the rows collecting ripe fruit. I think it's one of my new favorite things.

Honey crisp apples: delicious!
She found a lady bug
More apples than we can carry!

I love being out in nature. It's fun with small kids, too, because they get so excited and stare in awe at what nature gives us. It was so fun to hang out with my nephews and niece, see them get excited over fruit (of all things!) and answer questions about how the fruit forms.

Being out in middle of that orchard made me want an apple tree. I couldn't believe how many apples grow on a single branch, hundreds to a single tree. It truly is an inspiring and humbling sight.

The apples ripen faster than they can be picked. It was so surreal to walk a path that was sprinkled with apples underfoot as well as overhead!
Absolutely stunning
The reason we went in the first place was because we could get a bushel of apples for literally a fraction of the price than you can find at the grocery store. My sister-in-law and I have been on a canning kick lately and we wanted to make apple butter and apple sauce. The opportunity was too good to miss!

After everything was said and done we spent $8. Our final prize: A trunk-full of apples!

15 October 2011

Catch the Sunrise

The sun is gonna save me
Put a little love into my lonely soul

The Earth is beautiful. Sometimes I get irritated with myself that I don't take the time to enjoy the awesome opportunities I have to experience raw, true beauty.

I decided that one of the last things I had to do before leaving Florida was watch the sun rise. I drove out to the east coast with my close friend, and together we dug into the cool sand and waited for the sun to peak above the horizon. I was lucky this day. The last time I tried to watch the sun rise it was too cloudy to see it progress across the sky. Other times, if there are no clouds, the sun can be glaring and overwhelmingly bright. But this day, this day was perfect. The clouds danced with the sun and waves in a way I haven't experienced often.

It's hard to find words to express the joy and peace I felt watching the sun come up that morning. It's funny, too, because my favorite time to swim in the ocean is in the early morning, before the sun heats up the water and sand; I love that chill! That's also the best time to catch the crabs digging out their holes! I don't know, I guess the beach just feels more genuine early in the morning.

*All images are copywrited by Clarissa OM. Please do not use or copy without permission.

07 October 2011

Guess what...

It snowed about 8 inches yesterday in eastern Idaho. It's still on the ground today. But how funky do the green leaves look with a bunch of snow!? I'd say the seasons are confused.

It's definitely time for me to invest in some warm boots for the winter because I don't want to be stuck indoors, or have cold wet feet. Having wet feet is the worst feeling!

04 October 2011


She makes me happier than I've been in a few months.
She doesn't care if I'm doing research;
she nudges her way onto my tummy
and encourages me to take a much needed break.

Years ago she would nap with me.
It's like time doesn't matter to her.
She doesn't mind that I've been away for a while.
She cuddles me as if I've always been near her,
as if I never left.
Time doesn't matter to her.
She still naps with me.

15 September 2011

so sweet

Apis mellifera
Breaking news (at least for me): SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL HONEY MONTH!

I had no idea that my most favorite of sweet things in the entire world has an entire month dedicated to it. I'm so happy!
Making honey, yum!
So. Honey. It's sweet, natural, anti-bacterial, and even contains trace amounts of essential nutrients the human body needs. There are, of course, a ton of other reasons why honey is, quite literally, the bees knees. Here is a fun post I found about the many, many uses of honey, including some awesome tips for DIY projects (fruit preserves, hair care, and skin care, to name a few!)
Laden with pollen
Since it's National Honey month I'd like to express my concerns about the perilous state the honeybee is in now. Did you know honeybees pollinate $15 billion of produce every year, and that the almond blossom can only be pollinated by the honeybee? It's true. Life as we know it would cease to exist without the help from these noble, beautiful little creatures. Colony Collapse Disorder is real, and if people don't start wising up, pretty soon we'll be facing enormous health and agricultural issues. Please, please, please support local beekeepers, plant flowers that attract honeybees, preserve spots where wildflowers grow in your community, and for the love of almonds don't kill them! A little bit of research will show that there a lot of ways people can help save the honeybee. I mean, we sort of owe it to them to make sure they don't die, since they've been ensuring delicious produce for humans for centuries. You can start here, at the Save the Honeybee Foundation.
Honeybee pollinating an almond blossom

12 September 2011

indulge without fear

Lately I've been obsessed with what goes on my skin; I don't trust chemicals. I reserve make up for "special occasions" and I use it maybe once a month, usually less. This slight obsession has also seeped into my use of body lotion. There are some really scary, and unnecessary, things in conventional lotions. I've dabbled in research to find product brands that promote healthy cosmetic formulas. There aren't many. Today I found this short article on one of my favorite websites that addresses some of my concerns. It's basically a list of the 12 most toxic, common ingredients in cosmetic products. It's definitely worth checking labels before you buy anything to make sure the product is free of these vile ingredients.

But I'm not perfect and didn't check before I bought a new lotion from Whole Foods yesterday. I figured they would have the best selection of healthy/natural beauty products without having to spend hours on the internet, and then waiting, waiting, waiting for the product to arrive. So I scoured the isles and picked out one that I felt was worthy. I checked the label with the article today and, to my utter joy, the lotion I picked up checks out on the "Dirty Dozen" list! Yes! I am so happy.

This pomegranate sunflower (smells awesome, by the way) lotion from Nature's Gate is paraben free, phthalate free, mineral oil free, petrolatum free, PEG free, and butylene glycol free, and free of the other ingredients on the list. Plus it has extracts from sunflower seeds, safflower, pomegranate, sweet almond, apricot, jojoba, shea, vitamin E, soybean, aloe, pansy, marshmallow, calendula, sage, milk thistle, grape, red tea, oat, and horsetail! Nature's Gate also has products for hair and sun. Definitely worth checking out!

11 September 2011

lavender salts

It's no secret I've been absent from the blog-sphere lately. Maybe I'll write a post about everything that's been happening to me. Maybe I won't and I'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other and pick up where I left off. But I do promise to do more worthwhile things, and that will lead to more blog posts!

I decided to take a bath with some lavender salts today. I ran the water as hot as I could. My shoulders and hips have been tense and I knew a steaming bath would melt some of that away. And it was there that I had an interesting experience with duality; the opposing, complimenting forces that define and drive life. This is how it happened: The water was hot, steaming. I was drinking a cup of hot tea. At first, I felt wonderful. My hips relaxed, my shoulders relaxed, the warm liquid passing from my mouth to my belly relaxed me. After some time, I started to feel a little panicky. [Note to self: next time when sipping hot tea in a hot bath, take drinking water]. I felt uncomfortable and decided to run some cold water. COLD water. Sitting in the hot bath with a cold flow sent a rush through my body. I let my legs cool off, then I sat with my back to the stream and let my back and hips enjoy the revitalizing flow. At first I was hesitant to try that, I thought my body would go into some kind of shock and I'd regret running the cold water. But I was wrong. The hot water melted my tensions, washed them away. The cold water took me to a place of clarity and strength.

And I realized that the challenge I'm experiencing is just a manifestation of the duality of life. Hot and cold. Sun and moon. Summer and winter. Everything about life is a process and a cycle. What I'm experiencing is no different. No matter what happens next, I need to stay balanced. I know this hard time will end and the cycle will lead me to a place of happiness and peace.

22 August 2011

smokey rolls down thunder canyon

Amidst a grueling day of packing I find solace in music. Devendra lifts me up every time.

And can I just say, no matter how many times I watch this bizarre video it doesn't get old. I laugh every time. It has so many things I love, all balled into one!

11 August 2011


I had surgery today. The inside of my mouth could easily rival Frankenstein's monster, it's that tacked up. I have orders not to eat or drink anything hot. My Dr also recommended that I keep some icey treats on hand. I'm not a fan of the super sugary, flavored colored ice pops at the grocery store so I decided to make my own treats.
My love of tea and refusal to give it up during this healing process spurred some creativity today. Of course, I could always ice my hot tea, but sometimes I get a little bored with that. So I made teasicles!

First, I picked my tea. I figured green tea might be a tad bland in icicle form and I really love the cinnamon flavor in Yogi's Kava blend.
Thus, Kava won.
I brewed some water and steeped 2 bags to ensure maximum flavor.

I let the tea steep and cool for a while before I poured it into regular ice trays. I put them in the freezer for about 20 minutes before I stuck the sticks in them. The theory is that the semi-solid state will hold the toothpicks upright, but the meds made me a little hasty and sloppy. That's okay though, I'm not really going for aesthetics right now. Then I just waited until they were frozen all the way through.
My toothpicks are all willy-nilly!
Ta-da! Now I have two trays of deliciously iced tea in a miniature form! Have I mentioned I love mini things? Well, I do. These are especially great during the summer, too, since it's blazing outside. I'll keep making and refining these. I think next time I'll try to make an icicle-smoothie treat, complete with brewed tea and blended fruits. Yum!

03 August 2011

oatmeal & orange peels

I'm somewhat obsessive over my skin. The generic products grocery stores carry always, always irritated my skin. So I was stuck with the expensive stuff; it was the only thing that somewhat worked for me. The drawback to that, besides the harsh chemicals and high price, was that if I skipped a day of exfoliation or a mask my skin would take 3 steps back... *sigh*

Because of all that I decided to try my own, home-made treatments. I have to say I really enjoy the experimenting and my skin can handle it, too. My problem with home-made is that I'm somewhat lazy and don't plan ahead. But that all stops now.

Today, I was in dire need of exfoliation. I must admit I haven't exfoliated for a while, and I'm planning an epic pamper-spa day, complete with dry brushing, oil bathing, hair treatments, mani/pedi, and a facial mask. But before I do a mask I need to exfoliate, and I don't like to do both on the same day. Laziness aside, I concocted an exfoliating treatment today.

This is what I used:
*2 Tablespoons of Oatmeal- ground up with a mortar and pestle
*2 Tablespoons of dried orange peels- also ground with mortar and pestle
*1 Tablespoon of honey
*1-2 teaspoons of yogurt or milk
After I cleansed my face, I ground the oatmeal and dried orange peel and put them in a small bowl. Then I added the honey and milk and stirred it all together. I applied it with gentle circular motions and let it sit for about 5 minutes. After that, I rinsed it off with lukewarm water, gently dried, and topped it all off with some sesame oil. The result: awesome feeling skin.

01 August 2011

sesame oil

My sister-in-law asked me to dig around for some information on sesame oil to find out what makes it so great. And i'm glad to do it! She tells me it's been working wonders on her skin, leaving her soft and naturally glowing. The more skin alternatives I find the better. Having struggled with skin issues my whole life, I've recently become sort of obsessed with using only all natural, chemical-free products on my skin. My delicate skin! How could I torture you with chemicals?! I choose not to. So when I hear of new stuff, I try it!

Here is what I found out about sesame oil:

  • It's one of the most important oils used in Ayurvedic medicine
  • Also known as gingelly or til oil
  • It's popular in oil bathing, as it calms an imbalanced Vata dosha
  • It provides natural protection against UV rays
  • It's antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory (really good for fighting blemishes!)
  • It's full of antioxidants
  • It's full of vitamin E, which is excellent for keeping skin hydrated and healthy
  • It draws oil soluble toxins out of the skin
  • It's used in oil pulling, for oral hygiene 

Basically, sesame oil is hydrating, it helps regenerate new cells, protects against UV rays, it attracts and extracts toxins, and it has very sanitary qualities. Plus it has awesome nutritional value being high in mono- and polyunsaturated fats, as well as being low in saturated fats. It's a win-win situation all around.
I can say with confidence I'll be getting my hands on some of this miracle worker soon!

22 July 2011

beyond the tops of trees: a milestone

Today is my beautiful mother's 50th birthday. She makes it look so good. I'm so thankful that my mom has been blessed with 50 years of excellent health because it means she'll have many, many more years to enjoy with her family and the earth.
She's lived in the United States for 25 years now, and she's never been to New York. So that was her birthday present. I dropped her off early at the airport this morning. We celebrated her birthday last night as a family, since she left so early today. It was really nice to relax with her and we had our dinner outside with a glass of pino grigio. 

My family has always shared in sky gazing. We're fascinated by the colors of the sky and shapes of the clouds. Last night, on the eve of my mom's 50th birthday, she, my brother, and myself took a few minutes to appreciate the beauty bestowed upon us in our backyard.
my favorite
I chose not to edit these photos. These are the colors and shapes that dominated overhead. As disconnected as I might feel from others at times, it's nice to be reminded of our interconnectedness in the small things. Such as the sheer admiration of the ever-changing sky.
I told my mom that the sky was especially beautiful that night for her. We were able to have a few moments together before her trip where we could just relax, be happy, and enjoy the present moment. Things like that make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
As if the spectacular sunset last night wasn't enough, the sky dazzled us again at sunrise when I dropped her off at MCO.
I caught Mr. Sun just as he was peeking over the horizon.
The day dawned bright as ever on my mother's milestone birthday. 
Happy birthday, mami. Thank you for the beauty, joy, and happiness you've given me. I love you!

20 July 2011


blueberries are my favorite! my little plant decided to put most of its efforts into vegetating some new growth so it's been a while since i've been able to pick the fruit. when it started to build fruit again i had to be extra patient to wait for them to mature. they finally did. and i finally got my snack on!

18 July 2011

my personal message

So back in May [or whenever it was... honestly my judgement of time is all muddled from this summer semester] I signed up for the Trust 30 writing prompts inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliance. When I signed up I knew I wouldn't have much time to dedicate to this project because of school. But I love writing and I already participate in quite a bit of self-reflection. It's just never been prompted before. I thought it might be fun. I saved all of the prompts for the day I'd finally have some time to answer them. Well, I guess I started today. I woke up early this morning and answered about 3 of them. I might not be able to answer any more for another 2 weeks, or I might do some more tomorrow-- who knows.
This is the one I'd like to share today.
Your Personal Message (by Eric Handler)
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is burning deep inside of you? If you could spread your personal message RIGHT NOW to 1 million people, what would you say?
   Eliminate negative thoughts and emotions; don’t contribute to the cruelty of the world; every confused, angry, hurtful, negative thought fuels the ill feelings surrounding us; in order to stop negative emotions globally we must first stop them personally.
   Practice mindfulness; become aware of even the quietest stirrings in your being and in the earth; become one with the earth—learn to cultivate food, and honor and protect nature; be honest in all thoughts, even the “scary” ones you “shouldn’t” think about—especially those; practice love; above all else, practice acceptance for the things that can’t be changed.