14 May 2013


Well, folks, I did something expensive. But totally worth it. I purchased a bicycle! I haven't had one since I lived in Florida (so that's at least a year and a half!). As fun and exciting as a new bike is, it's never convenient to drop a pretty penny on a toy. Now, don't be thinking I spent 4 figures on a top of the line, name brand road bike. No, sir. I live within my means. It's a modest little thing that I purchased directly from a distributor (read: wholesale not retail). I'm a poor girl, with a modest budget, and now my itty bitty money is being stretched a bit more than usual. Which is totally fine. Really. I just have to find money-free ways to keep myself busy for the next little bit.

Now, you might be thinking, "come on, that's obvious: RIDE THE BIKE!" I have, and I will. But this week in E. Idaho we're getting windy gusts up to 30 freaking miles an hour. EVERY DAY! ALL WEEK!  On Sunday, my brother, his wife, and I did a 13 mile ride out in the country. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Oh, except for the 25 mph wind that we were riding against. That was hard. And frustrating. And I think at one point climbing a hill I even swore. Headwind + bike = not my ideal.

So, what do I plan on doing to busy myself while it's too windy to ride? I'm not sure yet. I'll probably just make things up as I go along.

So far this week:

Monday: 1 hour of yoga in the morning.
I read by the river (it may be windy but the sun is HOT this week. and I love it.)
I took the cutest, best dog in the world on a nice, long walk. I let him dictate where we would go. That way I was surprised and he was the happiest dog in the world.

Tuesday: I journaled.
1 hour of yoga in the evening.
I made phone calls and wrote emails I had been putting off (which was really a good idea because now I have a brand new headlight for my bike on the way. My previous one crapped out on me. Thank goodness for lifetime warranties!)
Chatted with my dad
I blogged! For the first time this year, hehheh...

I'd like to say that I'll post my cheap entertainment & busyness ideas every day for the next little bit, but let's be real, there's a high likelihood that won't happen. I am anything but a consistent blogger. However, I will try. For now, I think I will go to the library and browse the DVDs.

What are some money-free ways you have fun & keep busy?


  1. haha I wish I could ride my bike!!! But I have a baby, and no baby bike seat thingy......Cheap ways to have fun???? Hmm I would say READ, YOGA, being outside - walking, hiking, or just laying in the sun.....and I'm not sure what else but I'd like more cheap/fun ideas too!!!

  2. Check back! Maybe you'll be inspired ;-)
