18 May 2013

BEING BROKE [prt. 2]

25 ideas. In listed form:

Ride your bike in the morning (before the weather/heat pick up)

Walk around taking pictures of flowers and blossoming trees

Do an hour-long yoga practice

Take a nap! (I bet you deserve it)

Pick out a nail color you haven't worn for a while and give yourself a manicure

Bake! You could make a lot of breakfast and freeze it for early mornings, or you could stick with muffins, cupcakes, or cookies!

Learn the basics of maintaining your bike (or another piece of equipment you use regularly)

Repot your growing plants. I find this to be very grounding and I enjoy the time outside.

Call your grandmother

Learn something new. You could read about different art styles, the universe, a country you'd like to visit, marine life, the possibilities are endless!

Take a walk around one of your city parks

Volunteer at the animal shelter

Organize your photos

Organize your receipts and other paper stuffs

Make a weekly cleaning schedule for your house

Tackle the small repairs you've been putting off
(like changing that lightbulb, or fixing that button...)

Plan out your meals for the next week

Plan a fun stay-at-home activity for you and your sweetie

Clear out some old clutter


Go through the bookmarks on your computer

Make some pinterest pins (crafts, dinner, dessert...)

Wash your car

Pick up that book you've been meaning to start

Rearrange the house! Or just a room :)

14 May 2013


Well, folks, I did something expensive. But totally worth it. I purchased a bicycle! I haven't had one since I lived in Florida (so that's at least a year and a half!). As fun and exciting as a new bike is, it's never convenient to drop a pretty penny on a toy. Now, don't be thinking I spent 4 figures on a top of the line, name brand road bike. No, sir. I live within my means. It's a modest little thing that I purchased directly from a distributor (read: wholesale not retail). I'm a poor girl, with a modest budget, and now my itty bitty money is being stretched a bit more than usual. Which is totally fine. Really. I just have to find money-free ways to keep myself busy for the next little bit.

Now, you might be thinking, "come on, that's obvious: RIDE THE BIKE!" I have, and I will. But this week in E. Idaho we're getting windy gusts up to 30 freaking miles an hour. EVERY DAY! ALL WEEK!  On Sunday, my brother, his wife, and I did a 13 mile ride out in the country. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Oh, except for the 25 mph wind that we were riding against. That was hard. And frustrating. And I think at one point climbing a hill I even swore. Headwind + bike = not my ideal.

So, what do I plan on doing to busy myself while it's too windy to ride? I'm not sure yet. I'll probably just make things up as I go along.

So far this week:

Monday: 1 hour of yoga in the morning.
I read by the river (it may be windy but the sun is HOT this week. and I love it.)
I took the cutest, best dog in the world on a nice, long walk. I let him dictate where we would go. That way I was surprised and he was the happiest dog in the world.

Tuesday: I journaled.
1 hour of yoga in the evening.
I made phone calls and wrote emails I had been putting off (which was really a good idea because now I have a brand new headlight for my bike on the way. My previous one crapped out on me. Thank goodness for lifetime warranties!)
Chatted with my dad
I blogged! For the first time this year, hehheh...

I'd like to say that I'll post my cheap entertainment & busyness ideas every day for the next little bit, but let's be real, there's a high likelihood that won't happen. I am anything but a consistent blogger. However, I will try. For now, I think I will go to the library and browse the DVDs.

What are some money-free ways you have fun & keep busy?