25 November 2012

appreciation 2012

I have not posted for a very long time! And in fact I have at least one other post I'd like to share, but in lieu of Thanksgiving this past week I'll post this first.

I believe that being grateful is one of the foundational habits of a happy and positive life. If we don't express gratitude, how will the Universe know which ways to surprise us next? How would our friends and family know when their actions or words are appreciated and welcome? One thing I have been practicing lately is saying THANK YOU, for just about everything.

So here it goes, my excessive expressions of gratitude. In list form:
-family. They've helped me out so much the past year. And my mom is here visiting from across the country!
-my job.
-new life. I have a couple of friends that had babies this past year and it's amazing how much light such a tiny little body can bring into the world. Nothing beats a baby's laugh.
-new wool socks. I love socks this time of year. My dad knows this. He's the best.
-ovens. Because I love to bake.
-Diane, my favorite yoga teacher at the gym I go to. Enough said.
-tea. I have been drinking lots of tea lately, and it really helps to calm me down if I'm feeling out of sorts.
-books. I've been reading a lot too.
-all sorts of resources, actually. I've been really into magazines and Pinterest lately (heehee)
-kind words. They're not heard enough.
-good deeds. They're not seen enough.
-a roof over my head.
-pets to cuddle.
-friends to laugh with.
-someone to love.
-the sky. It reminds me to breathe deeply. Especially right before the sun rises. I love the colors and clouds. Sometimes on my way to work early in the morning, if it's clear enough, I can see the Grand Teton. It makes me incredibly happy.
-mountains. I love the grandeur they add to the landscape.
-my safety. I feel like this is something most people take for granted. I know that Orlando has much more crime than eastern Idaho, and I'm so grateful to live in a safer community.
-the safety my loved ones experience, as well.
-my daily comforts. Like my bed and pillows, hot water, a reliable car, clothes, grocery stores (even though I still plan on having a massive garden and growing a lot of my own fresh foods, I'm glad grocery stores exist... most especially during the winter.)
-rain. I love the smell and the sound. I love the freshness that even just a little rain can bring to the earth, and my day.
-sunlight. It's been overcast for a while here, so it's been a big deal for me when the sun comes out and shines.

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