15 September 2011

so sweet

Apis mellifera
Breaking news (at least for me): SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL HONEY MONTH!

I had no idea that my most favorite of sweet things in the entire world has an entire month dedicated to it. I'm so happy!
Making honey, yum!
So. Honey. It's sweet, natural, anti-bacterial, and even contains trace amounts of essential nutrients the human body needs. There are, of course, a ton of other reasons why honey is, quite literally, the bees knees. Here is a fun post I found about the many, many uses of honey, including some awesome tips for DIY projects (fruit preserves, hair care, and skin care, to name a few!)
Laden with pollen
Since it's National Honey month I'd like to express my concerns about the perilous state the honeybee is in now. Did you know honeybees pollinate $15 billion of produce every year, and that the almond blossom can only be pollinated by the honeybee? It's true. Life as we know it would cease to exist without the help from these noble, beautiful little creatures. Colony Collapse Disorder is real, and if people don't start wising up, pretty soon we'll be facing enormous health and agricultural issues. Please, please, please support local beekeepers, plant flowers that attract honeybees, preserve spots where wildflowers grow in your community, and for the love of almonds don't kill them! A little bit of research will show that there a lot of ways people can help save the honeybee. I mean, we sort of owe it to them to make sure they don't die, since they've been ensuring delicious produce for humans for centuries. You can start here, at the Save the Honeybee Foundation.
Honeybee pollinating an almond blossom

12 September 2011

indulge without fear

Lately I've been obsessed with what goes on my skin; I don't trust chemicals. I reserve make up for "special occasions" and I use it maybe once a month, usually less. This slight obsession has also seeped into my use of body lotion. There are some really scary, and unnecessary, things in conventional lotions. I've dabbled in research to find product brands that promote healthy cosmetic formulas. There aren't many. Today I found this short article on one of my favorite websites that addresses some of my concerns. It's basically a list of the 12 most toxic, common ingredients in cosmetic products. It's definitely worth checking labels before you buy anything to make sure the product is free of these vile ingredients.

But I'm not perfect and didn't check before I bought a new lotion from Whole Foods yesterday. I figured they would have the best selection of healthy/natural beauty products without having to spend hours on the internet, and then waiting, waiting, waiting for the product to arrive. So I scoured the isles and picked out one that I felt was worthy. I checked the label with the article today and, to my utter joy, the lotion I picked up checks out on the "Dirty Dozen" list! Yes! I am so happy.

This pomegranate sunflower (smells awesome, by the way) lotion from Nature's Gate is paraben free, phthalate free, mineral oil free, petrolatum free, PEG free, and butylene glycol free, and free of the other ingredients on the list. Plus it has extracts from sunflower seeds, safflower, pomegranate, sweet almond, apricot, jojoba, shea, vitamin E, soybean, aloe, pansy, marshmallow, calendula, sage, milk thistle, grape, red tea, oat, and horsetail! Nature's Gate also has products for hair and sun. Definitely worth checking out!

11 September 2011

lavender salts

It's no secret I've been absent from the blog-sphere lately. Maybe I'll write a post about everything that's been happening to me. Maybe I won't and I'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other and pick up where I left off. But I do promise to do more worthwhile things, and that will lead to more blog posts!

I decided to take a bath with some lavender salts today. I ran the water as hot as I could. My shoulders and hips have been tense and I knew a steaming bath would melt some of that away. And it was there that I had an interesting experience with duality; the opposing, complimenting forces that define and drive life. This is how it happened: The water was hot, steaming. I was drinking a cup of hot tea. At first, I felt wonderful. My hips relaxed, my shoulders relaxed, the warm liquid passing from my mouth to my belly relaxed me. After some time, I started to feel a little panicky. [Note to self: next time when sipping hot tea in a hot bath, take drinking water]. I felt uncomfortable and decided to run some cold water. COLD water. Sitting in the hot bath with a cold flow sent a rush through my body. I let my legs cool off, then I sat with my back to the stream and let my back and hips enjoy the revitalizing flow. At first I was hesitant to try that, I thought my body would go into some kind of shock and I'd regret running the cold water. But I was wrong. The hot water melted my tensions, washed them away. The cold water took me to a place of clarity and strength.

And I realized that the challenge I'm experiencing is just a manifestation of the duality of life. Hot and cold. Sun and moon. Summer and winter. Everything about life is a process and a cycle. What I'm experiencing is no different. No matter what happens next, I need to stay balanced. I know this hard time will end and the cycle will lead me to a place of happiness and peace.