21 June 2011

barefoot in the grass

Today marks the first official day of summer, and it's definitely hurricane season in Florida. That means awesome light shows in the sky throughout the summer! I love lightning storms. They can be scary! But I welcome the flashes of light that creep into my windows during those grim nights. There was an especially fantastic lightning storm last Wednesday. I stood in my backyard staring at the sky for a solid half hour. 
I tried to capture the spider-vein patterns of light on my phone's camcorder. It didn't turn out so well. Lucky for me I found Mr. Jason Weingart while I was looking for other lightning fanatics in Florida. Check out one of Weingart's videos of the lightning storm last week. That's really how it happened. It was non-stop; absolutely breathtaking!
My fervent attention was probably helped along by my belly fresh full of good food, feeling the enduring inner peace after an amazing yoga session, and because I was sipping my favorite tea. Regardless, I felt so happy and connected and wholesome.  Yes, standing barefoot in the grass, hair tumbling in the thrashing wind, staring at the pulsating sky made me feel natural, comfortable, at peace. The Divinity of the earth is stunning. It is perfect in its existence. I love the subtleties in nature that seem purely accidental but are inextricable. The cycles the earth falls into are serene and honest. Humans can't live without plants; plants can't live without water or sun; water falls from the sky; the sun follows the water and completes the balance of natural events.
I'm looking forward to the stunning displays of nature this summer has to offer. 


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