16 May 2011


I'm a product of 20th century, consumerist-America. I grew up in suburban areas, never learning to grow a single tomato, or produce anything of use. Growing up, things weren't mended in my house; we did without or they were replaced. I had a typical childhood, and probably would have been content to keep leading the gluttonous life of material possessions surrounding me had it not been for one thing: my exposure to a third world country (along with its struggles and glories) at a young age.
My mother hails from Costa Rica; land of rich soil, green embraced mountains, and serene landscapes. I had to opportunity to live some short years of my young life there, and was exposed to the "simple life" by my grandfather. Now, this man grew up in rural Costa Rica without the luxuries taken for granted in this country. He tilled his lands with a horse and plow, he built his house, he crossed raging river rapids, he searched in the country for medicinal plants for days, he did it all. My grandfather worked hard for everything he has. (Which isn't a little either: one small house in the city, two country properties, acres of virgin land, vegetables, rice, beans, cows...) The man never learned to drive ("What's the need?" he'd say), and still chooses to walk the three miles to the post office at the ripe age of 76! He's my living proof that a life lived outside is infinitely more rewarding and healthy than trying to attain the latest fashions.
He planted a seed in me at a young age. It lay germinating for years... To my surprise, tender cotyledons appeared as I realized this rat-race, fast-paced, two-faced life isn't for me. I'd rather take the earth between my hands and cultivate my own survival. As such, I'm moving toward a more sustainable lifestyle (and eventually, a wholly self-sufficient one). I'm moving toward what so many have turned away from in recent decades: a connection to the earth that grants us beautiful breath.
Which brings me to the purpose behind this blog! First, it's a commitment to the earth: to lead a life with little impact; seeking out alternatives to the norm and adopting them into my life; spreading what I've learned and discovered with as many people as I can reach. Secondly, it's a commitment to myself: to pursue a holistic spirituality of my mind, body and spirit, centering around the earth and her laws; to honor the life my grandfather lives and loves, and the teachings he tried so hard to pass on to his grandchildren; to feed and expand my interests and goals; to develop my writing.
In short, this is an experiment. Most of what will be posted in this blog will be first-time attempts at the alternatives; as well as my meditations on life, love, humanity, my spiritual growth. Keep in mind, I'm no expert-- most of the projects will be realized through trial and error. I'll write and share what I do in my daily life to make a difference in trying to preserve what remains of the earth, and preserve the habits of man that brought us to this point (which were so quickly tossed aside and lost, I might add!). This is my catalyst for change, my reminder of where I'm going and what I'm trying to do.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome, I'd love to hear feedback!


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