07 January 2014

So this is the new year...

... and I don't feel any different.
Just kidding. I do. Those are just the opening lines from a DCFC song I like a lot.

Yes, yes, 2014 has arrived whether I like it or not. 2013 was a pretty good year for me. I learned more about myself, I got back in to school and I've more or less accepted my situation and learned to embrace it and make the best of it. Not like it was bad to begin with, I just feel residual impulses to be constantly moving, because that's all I've ever known. But I am happy where I am and who I'm with. I'm happy with my work and school situation. I'm happy and grateful everyone I love is still alive, so it's never that bad, is it?

Even though my situation was good, I'm trying to make it better in 2014. I set resolutions. Real ones. That I am committed to keeping. No. Matter. What. See, one thing I learned about myself in 2013 is that I don't give myself enough credit. I am capable of great things. But I've never accomplished anything way super significant because I get lazy and unmotivated. But not anymore. New year, new me. (Well, still the same me, but with enhanced motivation!)

So, here they are.

First, I will eat better in 2014. Not like my diet is terrible, but it's a far cry from the awesomeness it was a couple of years ago. Carson and I got stocked up on neat kitchen appliances for Christmas, so now I really don't have any excuses. Hello, green smoothies and delicious, nutrient dense crock-pot meals, I will devour you! Mostly this resolution has a lot to do with me not being lazy when it comes to my self-care. I feel better when I eat better, and I know this, so I have to do this.

Second, I will get back in to yoga in 2014. Again, nothing compared to where I was 2 years ago. It's sad watching my flexibility and strength wane! Besides consulting my multitude of books on a regular basis, I intend to make use of online resources like no one's business. Plus, I thought of something fun and challenging to do (in January at least. I'll probably be ready for a switch up come February). For January I decided to do one more sun salutation a day than I did the day before. I started on January first with one sun salute, and I will keep adding so that on the last day of the month I will do 31 sun salutations. If you would like to see how I progress with that particular resolution (and what I decide to do the rest of the year to keep me on track) you can follow my yoga blog.

Third, I will be participating in a Spending Fast in 2014. I found the inspiration for this resolution here. This girl and her blog seriously rock. I get so many awesome money-saving tips from her page that I decided to completely throw myself into her get-out-of-debt strategy. I'm not the worst spender in the world but I could be much better with my money. By far my biggest challenge will be to not buy little trinkets and nail polish from work (I have a small fixation with nail polish. That's all we're going to say).

Did you set any resolutions you'd care to share? Good luck and best wishes for 2014!