15 December 2011

Thoughtful Thursday [wk.6] - FATE

I've been thinking a lot about fate lately, and what it means when the Universe slaps you with something completely unexpected. 

I used to be a huge resister. If things didn't go my way I'd get angry and stubborn. Essentially, I'd shut the door on whatever new opportunity the Universe was trying to introduce me to. Eventually I began to wonder about all the things I might have been missing because of my resistance.

The past few months of my life have been nothing but unexpected turns and occurrences. I know I would have lost my mind from it all if I retained my resistant attitude. To survive the turmoil I was experiencing, I had to adjust my outlook. I'm much calmer, more accepting, aware, and pensive now.
 I started to ask myself,
"What is the Universe trying to tell me right now?"

I came across a quote by Joseph Campbell that reassured me. A lot. It's been stuck with me ever since I first read it a few months ago.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

Wise men know resistance is unproductive. Wise men know greater things are waiting for us in hidden, unexpected places.

I may not know exactly what the Universe is trying to communicate to me when things don't go my way, but I take it as an opportunity to reflect on my life and choices. If my plans fall through, I take it as an indicator that maybe, just maybe, that wasn't the best idea for me.

But when something blissfully beautiful, honest, and passionate introduces itself unexpectedly,
I run with it. I treasure it. I honor and respect it. 

13 December 2011


My life has been very laidback lately. Lets face it, I don't have many obligations right now. No boyfriend, no school, and I just started a job last week. (It took me that long to get a job, not because of laziness, but because of health inspector/contractor issues the owner was having. We're solid now.)

Here's what I mean by laidback:
  • I watched 4 seasons of a TV show in one week. Yeah. Mega-binge.
  • Last time I did laundry, it took me 4 days to hang and fold my clothes.
  • This past weekend, I made a pillow-bed and watched somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 movies.
  • I've had a hint of a cold and consequently my asana practice has waned. Why? Because I can't breathe. I wake up at 3 in the morning coughing. So, I decided to work on my daily awareness and reactions, instead of postural progression. I'll jump back into the asanas when I'm ready; I always do.
I think you get the idea. I've been very carefree. But alas, the winter season has me in a frenzy. I'm starting to feel a form of pressure. I think I might still be adjusting to the way of life here. It's a lot colder, darker, and slower. I'm okay with all of those things, but after being in Florida for 3 years the change has affected me. For instance, I forgot how to feed myself. Shame on me! since I'm so nutrition concious. But really, I didn't know where to shop! I've figured it out now but there were a couple of weeks where I felt like immense crap.

Anyway, I always get a little anxious around this time of year. It's probably because I always want to start the new year with a BANG. I'm working on that. I have a few weeks left in 2011 to be as carefree as I want. I'll be taking classes again in January. And planning a move. And working. And transferring colleges. And [hopefully] starting a yoga certification program. Yes, big things are in store.

This is the last hurrah of laziness.