This post is inspired by Thanksgiving [I'm a little late...] and my friend, Alisa. She's a total badass, dealing with more than I can imagine. We're very similar and I can always learn a lot from her. She posted on GRATITUDE last week, challenging her friends at the end to make their own gratitude list.
So I'm a little late with my list, but that's because last week was crazy! I spent time with friends visiting from out of town, I spent Thanksgiving with my dad, and I've been juggling getting ready for the spring semester and starting a new job. Yikes. But here is my gratitude list!
FAMILY: I'm incredibly blessed to have such an understanding and supportive family in Idaho. My oldest brother and dad have pulled me through more muck than I like to think about it. They know me; they know I mean well. I guess that's why they're there for me when I'm being a putz. Thanks!
FRIENDS: Moving back to Idaho was scary. I didn't know what to expect. Most of my old friends have moved on and that's good! Lucky for me, I still have the most badass, down to earth girls to spend my time with. We talk, we yoga, we meditate, we look at crystals, we play the didjeridu, we drink coffee and tea and they are always there for me! Not to mention my other friends that are out of town. I love them, too :)
BOOKS: I'll admit I haven't been reading too much. I'm working through 4 books, none of which are too heavy but very enthralling. Books are something I'll always be grateful for. When my parents were getting divorced, books kept me sane. They still do. I love to read.
EARTHLY BEAUTY: I'm talking landscapes, sunsets, birds, the sky and clouds. I love driving in Idaho. It's bare. Nothing compared to the concrete and tar jungle of Orlando. Here, the sky is wide open, the fields lead to the sky, and the rivers flow through the fields. I love the colors, the sound of the wind over rocks and in the grass. I don't even care that it's getting colder, I just want to be outside, all the time!
I could list more things, but these things are what drive me right now. They might be obvious things but expressing gratitude, especially during stressful times, makes everything much more bearable. There is always something to be grateful for. I mean, we're alive :)